Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Midseason Review of the Dead
Zombies Are In The Details (High School of the Dead)
>Review in short: good but slooooooooow
This show has a lot going for it: decent characters, good plotting, and violence. It is too bad that this show has the pacing of classic Dragon Ball Z episodes. It litterally takes them 2-1/2 episodes to leave ONE building. And guess what? The first half of episode 4 is review! This anime gets caught up in small, useless conversations and events and then spends whole episodes on them. In conclusion, this anime can be enjoyed, but one needs to appreciate that the plot is too slow to drive the show. Oh, and try to ignore the animation shortcuts, ugh.
Janguru wa Itsumo Hare nochi Bunmei (Occult Academy)
>Review in short: unwatchable
The jungle was always nice, and then came Bunmei. But unlike the show I stole this title from, Bunmei doesn't make the show but instead utterly destroys it. The first two episodes of the show introduce a strong, confident, and cool female lead named Maya... who by episode three gets pushed aside as the main character by a weak, cowardly, lying, pathetic worm of a man named Bunmei. The show's intriguing supernatural mysteries take a backseat to Bunmei's pathetic rom-com misadventures. In honor of this tragedy, I am going to start using 'Bunmei' as a word of its own, e.g. "oh wow, that is so freaking stupid; that is so Bunmei".
Vampires For Everyone! (Shiki)
>Review in short: Best show of the season O_o
Remember the movie Signs? Remember how the first half of the movie was spooky psychological fun, and the second half was an irridemably stupid trainwreck? Thusfar Shiki has the first half down pat. It does it so well it actually drives the show and makes it fun it watch. This show may be violence-free and bloodless (lol), but the show does not need them because it lets your mind do all the gruntwork, not unlike classic horror movies. Now I just pray this show never replicates the second half of Signs.
The Truth Is There Is No Review (Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail)
>Review in short: There is no review because there is no show
*Facepalm* My bad, episode one was only a preview. This show streaches over multiple-seasons of anime so this show can't really be watched right now.
Gotta Have Vanilla! (Digimon Xros Wars)
>Review in short: unremarkable fun
This show is exactly what we thought it was. This show gets major props for finally mixing-up the Digivolution formula and therefore giving us something that changes episode to episode, but otherwise this is a typical if not slightly dry season of Digimon. This show is entirely episodic, and thus each episode progresses in the exact same exposition-enemyattack-climax pattern. So, while this show has little to no depth to speak of, it does suceed in being fun and, frankly, I hope it gets Digimon back on American Saturday TV. It deserves that much.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Violence & Horror Makes a Comeback
Digimon Xros Wars
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The following was posted via mobile phone.
Game: battle field bad company 2
I recently picked up this game because playing the demo was awesome fun with my friends.
The campaign is good, the idea that you unlock guns by picking them up is rather neat to me. The downside is some weapons look very similar to others with their icons, and others are almost impossible to find. But you don't actually NEED extra weapon types to play the game, it just expands the options.
The story of the campaign is interesting, starts off in WWII japan and then flashes to the future in Russia. I'm not done so I won't talk much more about the plot other then to say it's got a few surprises....
The multiplayer mode though quickly deviated from the demo. The maps are much much much much larger, so large that you can be sniping, in a game with 18 people and not see anyone for a minute or two.
The objective nature of the game types makes this alot of fun to play with friends, but make it really hard if you can't hop into a squad for various area spawns.
The weapon class balance is good, as are the spawns. You can spawn off of a team mate or puck a spawn area.
Musically the soundtrack is pretty good, it seems to fit the modes of the game well, visually nothing new but nothing old.
The on thing that bugs me is there isn't cooperative campaign, you can't look at your statistics unless connected to live and you need to verify your EA account every time you use your game...
I'd give it 7.5 stars of 10
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Game ramble: Prince of Persia (for the 360)
Prince of Persia is a pretty decent game, the controls aren't too complicated, and the bosses are difficult, in that to beat each you do different things, but all in all it's only an "ok" game.
The achievemnts are either way to hard to get, or way to easy. The controls can be to sensitive, causing you to jump ways that you don't want to, resulting in death. And the combo system; man that's way too complicated for four buttons, but how I want thee achievement.
The story line isn't bad, just not good either, you gotta stop big bad evil god from destroying the world, and to do it you have to go visit "fertile" land which imprissons the evil god... And as usual you do it by running around and slashing stuff...
The graphics are good, and the sound is okay.
Some of the inter charater dialouge should be tweaked, as it's repetitive, but all in all it's an ok game...
Incase it doesn't tag the author correctly this is Hawks.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Quakes in the Anime Industry
Tokyopop Loses All Kodansha Titles
"As of August 31st, Tokyopop no longer has rights to sell Kodansha manga in the U.S." -icv2.comMeaning that Tokyopop will print no more of Kodansha-owned titles, and once the current stock is sold, there will be no more from Tokyopop.
Tokyopop's lost titles span over 60 series, and include:
- Chobits
- Love Hina
- Samurai Deeper Kyo
- Rave Master
- A.I. Love You
Dark Horse lost its licenses to the Akira and Ghost in the Shell mangas in a similar manner, however they have been given many of Tokyopop's lost Kodansha CLAMP titles including Chobits.
Kodansha's new super-best-friend, Random House aka Del Rey, has been given Samurai Deeper Kyo.
A more complete list of the lost titles and their new American publishers are here:
However, it is notable Ken Akamatsu titles A.I. Love You and Love Hina have yet to be assigned a publisher.
ADV Films Dismembered
"A.D. Vision, the parent company of ADV Films, has announced that it is shutting down after transferring its assets to several other companies that will continue its operations." -AnimeNewsNetwork
"SXION 23 (Section 23 Films) has all of ADV's former licenses and most of its staff, but not ADV's former owner John Ledford. SXION 23 will continue to distribute the current orders and future pre-orders that ADV used to fulfill, without changing their schedules." -AnimeNewsNetworkAEsir Holdings now owns ADV Film's intellectual properties, so they may opt to continue using the ADV Films label on products they release with SXION 23.
"Valkyrie Media Partners has acquired 100% of ADV's Anime Network television unit, while Seraphim Studios has acquired ADV's Amusement Park Media production unit." -AnimeNewsNetworkSource:
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
LOL Piracy
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Endless Eight is OVER!!!

The following post is all about the recent horrors surrounding the sequel to The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi.
[To those of you who aren't oblivious to the anime industry, this first part will be review]
Kyoto Animation, the japanese animation studio that could do no wrong. Every television anime it produced were instantly massively successful and their fans were the most ravenous in the industry.
It was about time they cashed-in on those poor fools.
Among their greatest successes was the juggernaut that is "The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi". KyoAni teased their fans on and off with a new season of the title, and some three years later a new "season" did eventually arrive. However this new "season" was not what fans were bargaining for.
Have you ever seen the movie Groundhog Day? Yes you. Have you seen it? It is that movie from 1993 starring Bill Murray. In it he is stuck in a time-loop of sorts; he wakes up everyday to find the previous day has simply started-over. This is the basic premise of Suzumiya Haruhi season 2, except with the critical missing bit that when Kyon (Bill Murray's replacement) wakes up, he does not remember that his day (or week in this case) has started over. This has caused essentially the same episode to be reanimated and reaired 7 weeks in a row with only very minuscule random differences to differentiate the episodes. In fact, the episode count is something I am simply taking someone's word for because I can't tell which episode is which.
[/review end]
The top 5 things fans thought would happen:
- It ends next week. It ends next week. It ends next week. It ends next week...
- An entire season of Endless Eight
- Yuki gets fed-up and kills everybody
- The ark ends at nine episodes
- Endless Eight remains unconcluded and is resumed at a later date
The 5 most interesting thoughts from the mouths of random fans:
- Endless Eight is called Endless Eight because it takes place in August and a side-ways eight representing infinity, not because it is supposed to be eight episodes...
- In the novels Endless Eight is ONE chapter or ~30 pages!
- If these episodes still sell like hotcakes I am giving-up on humanity
- Bandai, do NOT release these episodes like normal episodes. No one is buying an entirely Endless Eight disc or two... At least I hope not
- Quoted from poster penguintruth on ANN:
- The damage, as far as I'm concerned, is done.
The damage, as far as I'm concerned, is done.
They wasted this season with this nonesense, and dragged the name of this program through the mud with it. How can one even justify being a fan of the show after this crap? They've scuttled their own best title.
I know I'll probably end up watching whatever comes next out of interest in the other storylines of the books, but the show just feels a little dimmer now.
The nightmare may be over, but the melancholy of the fans of Suzumiya Haruhi will remain. Zing!
As usual, I believe Hitler says it best:
If you'd still like to watch the episode(s), may I suggest you save some time and watch them all at once XD