Its just too darn fun to rip people apart. The achievements for doing so are fun to get, but just challenge enough to be worth trying, yet not too easy. The plot is a bit straight forward through, but its something you can easily end up wasting time on, because how can you imagine ripping people apart to be too linear?
While its fun, over all its an okay game. The graphics are good, but the soundtrack leaves something to be desired. Yeah the music comes on when you fight and such, but the sound effects and music don't make you pause and go wow. The controls are smooth and easy to use; but the slowing down of time (not optional) when you kill the last baddie in an area gets repetetive.
All in all, this a good game to waste time on if your by yourself, but with out the option of multiplayer, no replay value (aside from the hard difficulty locked at the beginning) its really only good for one go through (with a slight pause to get the gamer score from achievments), So this falls into the rent it or borrow it category, not the buy section.
Props to the local madison RavenSoftware for making this though, superb work for being handed crap when the previous group ran out of budget. Good choice there Activision....
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