Hey everyone reading this though i would put this up here. So Mercs 2, as i like to call it, for the 360 is pretty fun and has a nice open world format to it. First you pick a merc, if u have not played the first one or heard of the the mercs games your chocies are limited to the following 3: Mui, Nilison, and Chris. Each one has a "special ability" consisting of faster running, faster health regen, and carring more ammo, though just to point out the guys carry more than mui but that's y i guess she can run faster. Anywho starting out you end up rescuing a formal general to the Venezuela army, he's done some crimes and was put in jail. This ends up being your first contract, and at the same time your training mission/tutorial, which is nice for people who haven't played the game before. Anyways after u rescue him the game goes to a cut seen and in all u end up getting a attempt on ur life. but manage to escape, but not before getting shot in the rear. And this is where the fun begins...
So it goes into another cut scence basically showing the guy u rescued and another guy who hired u to do the rescuing taking over venezuala and you pretty much want revenge for him not paying u and trying to kill u. Now you get to go take his house to use as your base of operations, and you learn a few more things in this mission, like how to hijack a tank. After this you end up having to get your heli pilot, mechcanic, and airplane pilot. These are required to advance the storyline, but in all u do want all of them. After this you get a little bit more freedom to roam around parts of the map. At the moment not all of it is avalible but plenty is open for you to drive around in. There are certain missions you have to do to advance the game of course but plenty of fun, one u get to demolish a oil dereck. All this leads up to bringing in the allies and chinese, which in turn opens up the rest of the map.
Now i bet your wondering who have you been doing missions for and such. Well some of them have been for yourself, but a majority has been for 2 or 3 of the factions. Now the reason i say 2 or 3 is because one is the pirates. Their missions are not required too much for the story. You really only have to do like 2 missions for them and then u can ignore them, but what fun is that. They do other several wonderful things u can buy from them. Now back to the other 2 factions ; the UP (Universal Petrolium) and the PLAV ( People's liberation army of Venezuala). The UP are pretty much an oil company that has hired mercs working for them. They offer some basic things that are ok to use, but in general arn't the best. The PLAV are kinda the same but offer a bit "higher quality" of things. Also forgot to mention the UP and PLAV hate each other and everyone hates the pirates. Along the same line the Allies and UP team up and the chinese and PLAV team up.
The allies and chinese have now entered the game and are a continuation in some ways from the first game, meaning they still wanna kill each other and don't really care too much what happens here. Now these 2 superpowers offer the best of things, but you do have to do a few things to gain access to those. China, in my opinion has the power things. They got the fuel air rpg's the artillery and the wonderful lotus assult chopper. The allies have some wonderful things too of course... (allies of course being the US really). Anywho they got the only heli with aa rockets on it, the ambassador gunship. Both of these factions have a nuclear bunker buster that u end up needing to get to solano, the guy that tried to kill you. You do about 3 missions for either the allies or chinese or both, more money that way, but u have to balance what you do and how you do it cuz their missions pretty much make it so that the other will hate you. You get the nuke and the game ends basically. In all the game is very fun but also easy at the same time.
Now one thing i would also like to point out about this game is that it's coop, but only online (insert sad face). Playing this game with a buddy makes it even easier and more fun. All the vehicles are made for 2 or more ppl. Something else different from the first is that there's swimming allowed, so no more just dying if u hit water, which is nice. Ok so i know this was probably a little hard to follow cuz i'm not really good at keeping on track, but at least i got something up :)
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